December 19th-25th
※20th ~18:00
※25th 14:00~
Opening Party : 19th,19:00~
at:Calendar Cafe
今回、多摩美術大学出身の3名とCALENDAR CAFEスタッフがこの展示に参加しております。
是非CALENDAR CAFEでゆったりとお茶をしながら展示をお楽しみ下さい。
Everything is in a process of change , in which there are 3 different Agents taking parts; thing that is subjected to change, thing triggers a change and thing that helps changing. For instance, a process of creating products is a process of change from material to creation; a process of moving place is a change from given point to certain point and emotional swing is a process from a moment to history In this exhibition we focus on these Agents and express various aspect of change presenting our works. Artists are mainly from graduates of TAU (Tama Art University, Japan) and also Kana Seino, staff working in a CALENDAR CAFE.
Enjoy our exhibition with a lovely cup of coffee of CALENDAR CAFE and spend excellent time with our works.